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Homepage / 96Boards [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  posttime: 2016-04-22
— 本帖被 admin 从 Linux--Ubuntu/Git 移动到本区(2017-11-07) —
96Boards is the first open specification to define a platform for thedelivery of compatible low-cost, small footprint 32-bit and 64-bitCortex-A boards from the range of ARM SoC vendors. Standardizedexpansion buses for peripheral I/O, display and cameras allow thehardware ecosystem to develop a range of compatible add-on products thatwill work on any 96Boards product over the lifetime of the platform.
This website provides software downloads and updates, information onproducts compatible with 96Boards and forums for software developers,makers and OEMs to discuss the individual boards and the specifications.


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